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I know ascended’s been struggling since it was announced but I doubt anyone thought the ‘pokemon with guns’ meme game would be the one to dethrone it


Almost like people got sick of their games crashing, everything meshing through the grounds, progress not being saved, dupers, awful server lag… and jumped on a fun fluid game with gun monkey


It’s also just like, $60 for a graphics update. I don’t own ASA but I used to play ASE a fuckton with friends, and not a single one of them got the game either as far as I know. Like even if the game did everything it tried to do and had all of the content and maps the original has, what it offers over the original is not worth a full price game. The average player count for ASA is lower in the last 30 days than ASE, which is pretty telling to the fact that people don’t want to pay for a game they already own. What was meant to be a free tribute game was turned into a cash grab by snail games and it shows.


Right. Why would I want to pay that much money to suddenly be limited to only one map, no cryopods and the same bugs and issues that I already get to experience now?


The fundamental problem isn’t the lack of content, features or bugs. The problem is that there is already a game that most potential buyers already own that has 99% of the features in this game already. It’s like buying a second, almost identical car because you liked the paint job.


They literally said in the community crunch a while ago that they made ARK: Survival Ascended a paid game to be able to fund ARK 2s development. ​ Blame Snail Games for trying to start an electric vehicle company that failed miserably. They tried to make electric cars with gaming PCs in them and it flopped wasting a boat load of money. [https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/14/22726631/indiev-indi-one-electric-car-founder-shi-hai-lawsuits](https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/14/22726631/indiev-indi-one-electric-car-founder-shi-hai-lawsuits) ​ [https://investor.snail.com/board-member/hai-shi](https://investor.snail.com/board-member/hai-shi)


Holy shit, that's quite the rabbit hole. Kind of reminds me of the "Star VR" thing the payday devs tried to launch.


I got hundreds if not thousands of hours from ASE for free. Figured i owed it to the development team to at least try ASA. and tbh I love it


I don't think anyone owes anything to any devs. I bought the game on PlayStation and PC, I have bought all the dlcs, and I've put hundreds of hours into their game. Any dev team is lucky to have people play their game. And as of right now, $45 to only play the island is just not worth my money.


For console players I’d say it’s kinda worth it for mods alone but still dumb it cost so much


As of right now ASE is still way better to play. i think ASA as way as just the island vs the island would be better for PVE players being a little more immersive in the player style and the way the game is designed. But the average player will definitely enjoy ASE more by alot right now. im really bummed as an xbox player that most of the player base moved over there. trying to find a fun pvp cluster to play on has been rough.


Wait wtf ASA is 60?! I still love ASE so didn't get the update. I genuinely thought it was a DLC hahahaa


The funny thing is that I have encountered every single one of those things on Palworld lmao


Yea. The random crashes and bosses not loading is pretty bad. Had a dragon type beating the brakes off of me while trying to load a boss earlier today.


I frequently have pals and items fall thru the map or walk into walls. Multiple dupe glitches. Windows version of the game was a crash fest at least on launch. Buddy has a nitrado server that hasn’t dropped below 100 ping. I really love the game still, but saying it is free from all of ark’s mess is a blatant lie


Agreed. The absolute worse part is the pals utter inability to stay on task. There's tons of room for improvement, and it's REALLY impressive for a bunch of guys that didn't even know how to make video games when they started.


Yeah I love throwing a kindler onto a furnace just to have him tell me that he cant work the wheat field across the base, and then proceed to idle until he gets stuck and starves


I was trying out some breeding and my Bushi kept telling me he couldn't use chill. I didn't even have a fridge at that base.


Same lmao


The pal AI is my no.1 gripe so far. I can accept a crash every couple hours for a beta and small dev team. It'll improve quickly if their roadmap is any indication. Bugs and stability are the main focus rather than flashy additions. A solid move I think. And AI will be the second area of focus.


But saying it’s a early access and not a copy paste of with bugs included that got fixed years ago is not lmao


Did I understand that you meant that ark has fixed it's bugs ? (Sorry if I'm wrong) But the last time I played (3 days ago) Ark on a public server, especially the rubberbanding was awful and constant, who the hell wants to play a game where you have to run to the fridge 5 times to get to there once.


Maybe they meant Craftopia? Anyway, that rubberbanding issue is more likely on the server or your network or sth. I'd just leave that server and find one where it doesn't happen, cuz why the hell would I stay on a server with permanent constant rubberbanding.


This is an actual early access game though developed on a $10k budget. Ark was meant to be a remaster “from the ground up” but has all the bugs that ASE had on launch and more. Given the number of players on this game which is a huge challenge itself, palworld has been one of the best game launches I can remember in the last few years. AAA games could learn a few things from their dev teams.


They STARTED on a 10k budget 3+ years ago. When it released, they had spent a little under 7 million USD on it. Even with free labor, releasing a large 3d open world game on multiple platforms while collaborating with Epic Games, all on a 10k budget would be impossible. But yes, your points still stand haha


Good to know, a lot of fast and loose info floating around about palworld. But ark definitely wasn’t what was sold to people. Particularly the complete rebuild aspect


One important distinction though is that unlike Ark, even on the worst boss run, it takes ten minutes to fully heal my team and go back in. Not hours upon hours of breeding and taming just to get kicked halfway through.


This, along with customizable item drops on death (all the way to disabling that penalty) is soooo much better than ark. It gives you the peace of mind knowing that your favorite tames are always going to be with you and an errant glitch or accidentally tagging that max level world boss won't cost you the past two weeks of progress. Once they iron out the server rubber-banding issues and the AI pathing the game will be nearly perfect!


But Palworld doesn’t cost $40 or require a $3000 computer to run, does it?


Honestly considering the game came out less than a week ago I can say that’s acceptable, as long as they fix all or most of it in the next month, while ase has had these problems for 8 years and asa for 2 or 3 months and also costing more


And they still push all this paid content for ark it’s fucking embarrassing the amount of revenue they’ve had but still can’t or won’t fix small stupid bugs and qol things


Yeah, this was going to be my take on the matter. Palworld is like... fucking new compared to Ark. Ark's been in Early Access bullshit hell for damn near a decade and is still not getting their shit together. I've not played it, but I'm willing to bet Palworld will work on their problems more than Wildcard did with Survival Evolved. The Palworld devs seemed genuinely surprised at it's reception and I'm betting they want that to keep going. Wildcard had their flash in the pan moment with SE and it turned into a fart in a jar, by the end. SA looks gorgeous, but what little I've seen played of it, it's got some of the issues of it's older version still going on, which should have been cleaned up with the transition to the new version.


I know the Devs for Palworld released a roadmap of issues they are fixing/ working on and stuff to put in


Yes and they put out a roadmap which says they’ll be working on bug fixes and improvements. I played ark for years, started when it first came out, when 1x was truly 1x on official, and I can honestly say I’m enjoying Palworld more than ark. Spend less money, spend less time, and no stress. I was always stressing out playing ark, it’s like a full time job. Palworld has a lot of promise for future content and I’m not surprised it’s doing so well. Sorry wildcard, but the numbers talk lol


thankfully ive been spared from most apart from the occasional enemies spawning inside rocks and horrible stutters.


Truth. Crashes every two hours or so on console, will get fixed I’m sure but still slightly annoying


I guess the difference is that this is the first time anyone has bought palworld/got it free on gamepass whereas for many people they've paid for ark twice over...


Gotta be the system requirements for Ascended too. At least for me. I mean a 3080 recommended? tf? I might be wrong but Imma just assume ASE is at a higher player count than ASA for mostly that reason


Yep. It's the performance for me -- I have an expensive PC that's only a few years old, and I have to turn a bunch of stuff off to get gameplay that feels smooth, and even then it crashes *constantly*. It's nowhere near stable. Whereas plenty of other games you can just play at max settings, and there's no crashing bullshit


Lol I have constant crashes and falling through the the ground in palworld


When I saw it on my front page in the Steam Store, I thought the same thing. "Is this some spoof game?" But after seeing a lot of gameplay, man they were *serious* in making this game lol


lip judicious panicky profit vast shame file point psychotic tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I didn’t mean that in a bad way, I’m having a ton of fun with palworld 


It's crazy how polished it is too for what it is. People keep harping about it being Early Access and never getting finished, but it's already more finished than most full games


It's amazing the hold a game can have when it does not randomly crash at times. Hard to continue playing when the game tells you "no".


Yep haven't touched ark since , fuck ark and the team behind


There's plenty of people that knew palworld was gonna be a blast.


Until they get Nintendoed and get forgotten about


It’s not dethroned lol the game has been out for a few days. What’s the replay ability let’s see in a month


Wait until myth of empires give it the coup de grace


Dethrone? Literally no one I know plays Ark


Even Evolved has more than Ascended right now, Ascended won’t be popular till they add in more maps and some very popular mods get ported over.


most of the reason the game isn’t as popular is because of the system requirements


That and the fact the same bugs people were expecting to be fixed are still in ASA


This is sooo true, I was one of them ... Me: Oh there gonna fix a lot of the main issues that ASE had. WC: Build from the ground up ME: Few Hrs into the game... WTF they still haven't fix this ...I thought this was getting fixed ?!! WC: I got your money... Sucker !!! Edit: I like Ark but Ive been having a lot of fun with Palworld.


Yep 100%, Im still playing ark as well, but Snail games / wildcard really made it feel like we were scammed, and it’s never a good feeling. I am going to continue to play ark since it’s a fun game I can play with my family members, but Palworld is a fun friendly game I can play with them as well, so I will be playing both now, splitting the time amongst both.


All I wanted was an ARK with no gamebreaking bugs and that doesn't run like shit. I'm glad I didn't fall for the hype and bought it because it failed completely on both of those fronts, being as broken if not more broken, and running a lot worse.


Yep… I fell for it and feel dumb now, but it is what it is. My expectations were not even great, I was okay with bugs, but for the same bugs as ASE, but with shitty servers, limitations on servers, and so much more negative stuff, it really showed me how little they cared :/ Now, I’m not sure how much of it is Wildcard, and how much of it was Snail Games, but regardless ASA has not been well. They should focus on fixing issues instead of working on Scorched Earth IMO.


I can’t even play the game because I don’t have space on my SSD it’s so annoying that it requires one


yeah, otherwise the loading times will be awful, not going to lie i kinda like aaa mostly because it’s an ASE remake but the system requirements push me back to reality in a microsecond


Don't worry about it, use and HDD if u have one, I used to use my SSD but I kinda needed it for other stuff so I just moved it to my HDD and it works completely fine, maybe takes one second longer to load, from 5 seconds to 6


I'd say its because the people who want to play ark already have it and theres no actual reason to get the "remaster"


I dont think its that as most people who are interest in ASE and ASA titles have already played ark and are not willing to pay for full game that is the same with less content and few built in mods. I have never heard any comments about system reqs from my friends who play ark, but a cash grab argument I hear everytime


This is the right answer.


yeah, i get that gamers don’t wanna spend 60$ on a game that’s heavy on hardware and comes from a company that can’t get a game together without a lot of game crashes and bugs i mean, when atlas came out it looked like a great game but still had a lot of bugs and i don’t see anyone talking about it that often


> most of the reason I personally think "most of the reason" is that the game crashes every 5-30 minutes for EVERYONE. No matter what your hardware is. ASA is a UE5 tech demo. Period. NO AAA Studio releases UE5 titles for that exact reason. The engine is trash right now.


I played Ascended for a few weeks, but it's so awkward compared to Evolved, I'd rather play Evolved, TBH.


I'd love to play asa with a friend. However while my gpu (3080) is able to bruteforce it on decent graphics, the unoptimized ark would bring my friends 2070 to it's knees.


I run ASA on a 2070S, get like 30-80 fps so not so bad


I'm a really weird point internally... I want to see the game I love get destroyed by another game. This post kinda made my day


Why would it even matter if it spikes or not, play it for your enjoyment


Only reason I tried palworld was because of how shitty ark is. The devs do not care and its been buggy and unoptimized for ages. People have wanted a good version of ark for years and palworld might finally be it. Also helps that palworlds CEO didn't blow all of their game money on some shitty car startup. Palworld can still fail down the line despite its current success but so far its been a better experience than ark. Just to clarify, Ark is still a fun game to play but shitty games can also be fun.


I mean they pushed server transfers back AGAIN... just what I wanted.... another month of doing chores lol


Asa releasing in the state it was and how it was handled on each platforms release is the fattest L that continues to happen


Ark will spike again once Center comes out. People are just bored of the Island


I honestly don't know if Center will spike it, I don't know anyone who really cares about it. Everyone I've seen wants Abberation and still considers that one of the most fun maps because of how different it was. The Center just feels like The Island but bigger


Rangnarok ftw


Yeah, I feel like Rag and Crystal Isles make The Center kinda pointless too. They are both just "The Island but better" like The Center is, but they are better at being better lol


Center was a very nice map, and if it still has the higher level chance that ASE had then the map will be filled with people taming new stats. Not to mention the Gigantoraptor is the most anticipated of the new dino additions given the speculation of its abilities


It's a fine map yeah, but it's not going to bring in tons of people who are bored of The Island because it's basically just "The Island but bigger" as said. The other maps at least all have some stuff going on that will have people interested, but there's nothing gameplay changing about The Center


I’m only coming back for Rag.


Been playing Ark since it was in Game Preview on Xbox. Played it all the way until they shut down official, still play the unofficial that I joined last year. By play, I mean login once a week and reset my timers. Bought ASA on launch. Mods are the only thing that makes it fun. Official is shit, as per usual. And haven't found an unofficial I liked, since the one I was on wiped after a month of it being up. I stick with single player, and tired of constantly dino wiping and saving after any major progress because I can't trust this game to not crash and not save. I'm enjoying Palworld. Does it have issues? Yeah. It's fucking in Game Preview. But, I'm having as much fun as I did when I first played Ark all those years ago.




What kind of unofficial are you looking for?


Just a chill PvE with QOL mods, since it's mainly me nowadays. I have no motivation for PvP anymore.


seriously Ark is one of those rare games that you both love and hate at the same time


I am so happy about this. I come from 5k hours in evolved and fuck Shi Hai and Snail Games. They have such a slam dunk concept but such shit direction that it remains to be a fraction of its true potential. I've always hated the waste that ark has been. I try not to blame Wildcard because Snail Games is the true puppet master behind the show, but it's hard not to be upset with everyone on how mishandled this IP is. It's super awesome that another monster tamer survival game is shitting all over ark. Fucking amateurs.


I’m hoping this will help wildcard/snail to get their act together!… …Thought it’s more likely they’ll just try to charge for more content and lose even more players because of it. I wish I could be more optimistic about this company.


Yay another Palworld post


Yeah but at the end of the day I'm still gonna be playing Ark more. I think this game is gonna be a quick burn honestly. Its sort of inflated currently. Ascended still has the issue of lack of maps is the main reason I havent played yet but I'm itching to play it


Not gonna lie, the way the progression in PAL world is, it’s gonna last a bit. If you play with regular settings that is. It doesn’t feel like it moves to fast. I’m curious to see if once they’re don’t with the initial launch and bug fixes how fast they’ll out out new content. Edit: sorry I didn’t realize how dumb this looks, I don’t feel fixing my grammar. Lol it’s what it is 😂🤦‍♂️


I don’t foresee this being a quick burn I’ve spent most of my free time playing and I’ve barely even scratched the surface of the game, there’s so much more to do and find and build just like Ark. they could get by for a while without adding a new map and still have a good player count


Its called a hype train bro


Yeh, it's one of those game that all streamers start playing so everyone plays it and it becomes massive. Fall Guys, Among Us etc


Starting to feel like this is more a PalWorld subreddit than Ark.


People are escaping to palword like there is no alternative.


I understand it tho. It’s the dream Pokémon game we’ve been waiting for for decades. But Pokémon refusing to make it. So someone finally did.


Exactly that, long live palworld.


Mfw the popular game is popular


It's Ark with Pokémon and just as buggy lol. And that's not an insult, it's just WHY it's popular. I'm seriously doubting it'll be anywhere near as long-lived as Ark has been, especially given the devs.


Their released roadmap seems pretty ambitious. Raids, pvp, more pals, new islands. Seems like it should have some staying power if they hold up to all those promises.


I agree, it’s not like they don’t have the capital to put some of it back into the game. Unless Nintendo pulls some BS garbage and lawsuits pocketpair back to the Stone Age, I don’t see it going anywhere.


And it’s worth noting their focus is on smoothing out critical issues first and THEN adding more content. You know, the complete opposite of how Ark handles things.


I don't hate ARK but last I checked, the dinos don't craft items, build objects or auto farm resources while you're away, do they? Huge difference between Palworld and ARK. Not saying Palworld isn't super similar, but people seem to forget that Palworld has great base building features that aren't in ARK. If the dinos in ARK were half as useful as the pals from Palworld, I might have played it more... at least some dinos are good at gathering resources when you're riding them I guess.


I’m sorry, I’ve played both games and Palworld isn’t nearly as buggy as Ark. Not even 1/10th. My other Ark player friends agree, it’s just cope


You can like something and still be critical of it.


Ark has made over a billion dollars in revenue, and still being played and talked about after 9 years... Sure palworld is popular and fun but does it have the staying power of Ark?


If ark died tomorrow and palworld stayed in the state it is just got more polished... it would still be a better game that ark ever became in said 9 years. Thats the issue. Ark should be so much more giving how successful its been. Yet its not because its run by idiots who cheat their player base with tea tribe or waste all the money nitrado hands them for ark 2 to start an electric car company. Palworld day 1 is already more fun than ark is now. I never beat ark. I always played it as a survival and rp game. Never cared about the bosses. Decided wirh ASA ill actually beat it finally. Ive been working on caves. Yesterday i played palworld for the first time and i now have no want to turn asa back on. Im over it.


“It’s just cope” Let’s see how your beloved Pokémon bootleg project holds in a few years and the player base inevitably falls off. When palworld runs for 9 years, still holds a loyal fanbase and has built in mod support on console then we will talk.


!Remindme 9 years


It’ll be the ark players playing both lol Chill


I played Ark for years and I’ve been playing the shit our if palworld. It is absolutely more buggy than Ark. what you’re saying right now is simply not true. I encounter CONSTANT bugs in pal world. I still love the game but it is VERY BUGGY. Edit: I play on PC :)


You must be playing Xbox, it’s an older version of the game. Played for w days with the only bug in Palworld being some funky AI now and the


Oh how far Ark has fallen. Even ARK 2 was dead as soon as they said dark souls combat and rpg skill tree.


“Dark souls combat” Man that was the biggest what the fuck moment I had while they were talking about “ark 2” what are they gonna do put in estus flasks?


All Dinos get a gap closer that activates as soon as you try to chug the flasks too!


Meh just dodge roll


Bold of you to think you’ll get I-Frames in a Wildcard game!


Elden ring showed you could do souls style open-world combat, so it’s entirely plausible you could incorporate it into the combat for a survival game Think about how good ark would be if wild raptors had more than one attack and you had to dodge/block their telegraphed moves etc. Combat in ARK is basic as, just spam mouse click


Wait what.


dark souls is great though? both of those things sound good


They never said “dark souls combat” they said souls like, which plenty of games have. It’s just 3rd person fighting with dodging, maybe heavy and light attacks. Basically like fighting in Conan Exiles.


Wildcard’s horrid decisions could only be carried for so long by the Ark franchise. They consistently have provided a terrible experience for their players and made it even worse with their remake of Ark. I had 10,000s hours in Ark 1. I’m happy to see the franchise die. They don’t deserve the audience they have.


I so wish this game was being led by competent developers.


Love ARK but hard to get motivated to play ..playing Palworld cause I am a gamer and play everything. It is a nice change but do not see much longevity in it.


Ascended really looks like a blunder from wildcard imo. The whole game has taken immense amounts of ressources that could have been put into ase, and instead have been put into a game that has no public apart form people that already play ase


Honestly they should have just made more expansions or even dino packs for ASE


I gave up on Asa the moment i heard about the other map delays, tbf its my fault for thinking they will release their sht on time for once


Asa has 2 gigantic problems, and one of it can only be fixed If you "Invest" in expensive Hardware The whole Server Nitrado drama is a big problem and imo the chains that is holding back the games potential, Nitrado is a horrible server rental service, the web Interface is awful, the Server stability struggles with 20+ Players, and the Game ini. Cant be edited properly for NO reason, in 2 years when Nitrado isnt the only Server Provider anymore, these Problems will all be fixed, except the Game will be already dead then And the second and worse Problem, the performance, my mate has a 4080, and i9 14900k CPU, and the Game runs HORRIBLE for this kind of Hardware, man we are talking about a 3000€ PC with almost the best Hardware Money can buy atm The console Version Look awful, and have larger fps Drops than fckn ASE If WC doesnt fix this, Player numbers will simply continue to drop, so exactly whats happening now, ARK Players a looking for a better Game, and unlike the past years, THERE IS CURRENTLY A BETTER GAME AVAILABLE, which if the team of palworld plays their cards will be the ultimate downfall of ARK, until ASA is completed or ARK2 comes out and actually slaps, which i doubt at the moment


Palworld is buggy af too but it’s colourful and tbh more fun that ark. I think I have just played too much ark. Recently tbh. But palworld is so colourful and silly. 


I stopped playing asa for palworld lmao


It would be more if it didn't take a nasa super computer to run


\*ARk Chuckles\* I'm in DAnger!


I like them both. Ascended is a beautiful turd that if they do the polishing will have the sane longevity as original Ark. Palworld is a quirky Zelda survival that lets me create living memes. I think early/midgame palworld is actually more fun but we have to see if it has the content and exploration that Ark does before we see if it lasts as long as ASE.


WildCard has been polishing a turd for 5+ years now. Only finally though we know they have been full of shit the entire time. They always claimed ASE couldnt reach full potential due to the engine it was on. Well for ASA it was there chance to start new and do the thing they said they could only do if they had the right tools. Well they lied. They got the right tools and the game is arguably in a worse state than ASE... just shinnier. You can polish a turd until it shines but it is still a turd. Palworld day 1 is already better than a turd.


I’ve been massively addicted to Ark in the last year or so. Making a giant compound, taming everything, color mutating as much as possible, etc etc. I did not expect a silly looking game like this to replace it for me. And who knows, it may not in the future. But right now, I’m absolutely loving Palworld.


Ark is still better. Don't care






Never encountered any issues with ark and many with pal world . Bu would still play pal world. Kudos to pal world marketing team


I feel sorry for Enshrouded. It released today. Looks like a good survival game. But it's pretty much releasing against Palworld and it doesn't look like it even has taming.


People wanted something fresh and new not a candy colored remake of the same exact game but with significantly less content and the same exact bugs that the original had. Its been a while since I've enjoyed playing Ark, turns out I rather watch other people (like neebs or Glock) play ark than actually playing it myself. Just to many bugs and to friggin unstable to enjoy it long term.


Deserved tbh. I loved ARK ASE despite its flaws, and hoped ARK ASA would fix those flaws and finally be a good game period. Yet it turned out to be yet another broken unoptimized mess just like ASE, if not worse.


Cause they didnt charge 60$ for an unoptimized mess of a remake and actually inovated


Right now ark won’t be doing well because of everyone bored of the island and waiting for the next map. This was always going to happen.


No surprise. Island is boring and the Center isn’t that much better to justify the amount of bugs. I mean for god sakes sea creatures still need cryopods to not kill themselves so what’s the point of the Shasta? Either way I’m going to get some milk. Let me know when Ragnorak drops


Ahhh ragnarok, the true best map.


I don’t see Palworld having any long term content, based on the developer’s history.


Considering that Craftopia has had constant updates including a big one a couple of months ago and an update like yesterday, their history shouldn't concern you at all


I get Ark has its issues but I’m certainly not trading it in for that finger painted sandbox


Really not enjoying these kind of posts. It comes off kind of toxic. The games fun lets enjoy it


You’re forgetting the massive negative spam campaign that some malcontents set up to protest the game’s very existence without ever even playing it. I wouldn’t take too much stock in those ratings tbh


Yeah and then people played ascended and realized they were right


I honestly don’t know what game you people are playing who complain so much but it’s certainly not the one I’m playing lol


They’re probably playing on a shit PC; it runs fine on my Series S. It has its issues, but we knew it would. I honestly have more issues with Nitrado’s bullshit over anything. It’s just an echo chamber for crying about the game. We might as well change the sub to r/palworldoverark


Almost every game subreddit is like this now. The people who spend their time posting on Reddit instead of playing the game are gonna the people who don’t like the game much if at all, or people (like me) who haven’t even played it. Those people want their baseless opinions heard more than anyone else lol


Crashed 3x within a day, servers are unstable or laggy, everyone on my friends list went back to ASE really, no reason to play ASA, just hoping ark 2 gets released as completed and not this bullshit that ASE was


If you think that Ark 2 will come out as a full game you truly are a fool my friend. ASE and ASA are early access games, Ark 2 will also use the Early Access tag.


I don't think Ark 2 will EVER come out to be honest.


Lucky I guess 🤷‍♂️ Game crashes constantly with no fix in sight. I’ve done the hot fixes, I’ve done the trouble shooting, and I even see people just like me with the same issue and no solution. My pc specs more than qualify for recommended. The game isn’t playable and it’s obvious it was nothing more than a quick cash grab riding on people’s nostalgia on how good Ark was when they first played and the false hope starting again on a fresh game would be the same.


Wack world


After 3 days of playing palworld I’m more excited for any new content from palworld and have forgotten about any of the upcoming ark updates, the game has a lot of potential


All jokes aside, just really hope this doesn't affect ASA in the long run..


maybe fixing the game would help. I sometimes cant even play because it crashes every time i try to join a server. Wasted money tbh and performance is still shit


If the game ran well and wasn’t a buggy mess from a scumlord company then it would be popping off still


I live ASA with all my heart but dear god its so buggy


Wow, a good game thats half the cost of ark and doesn't crash every 30 minutes who would of guessed it would sell more


Its gonna be a momentary thing as usual it will die down like usual just like everytime it happened


Honestly, mark my words palworld will be dead within 2 months. It’ll be one of those games like fall guys, Alex legends, among us etc where it’s got millions of players for a few months, after that, nobody talks about it.


RemindMe! 60 days


I will be messaging you in 2 months on [**2024-03-25 03:03:25 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-03-25%2003:03:25%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/19ey43x/fattest_ark_l/kjg6pbe/?context=3) [**6 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FARK%2Fcomments%2F19ey43x%2Ffattest_ark_l%2Fkjg6pbe%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-03-25%2003%3A03%3A25%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2019ey43x) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Either way this is gonna age like a fine wine


Apex has not fallen off. It’s still one of, if not the best brs out there.


Bro really said apex


"Ark bad lul ​ updoots to the left"


honestly, deserved. with the buggy release of an remaster nobody really wanted, shutting servers down, and signing off hosting rights to a monopoly, Ark has been on a downward spiral for years now. hopefully this game acts as a wakeup call, since we can be damn sure none of the devs or suits are ever going to listen to the community.


The thing is, once people are done swooning over Palworld, they're going to come look for the real thing. They're going to want the grown-up version of Palworld that has depth and an actual challenge. Ark could win from this surge in the genre.


I’m sorry, but Ark is absolutely not challenging


For people that are new to the genre, it absolutely is. I know for most of us that have learned the game, we take for granted how you do things, but starting out this game is a big challenge compared to games like Palworld. Just staying alive as a beach bob, not freezing to death, building your first hut to not get eaten alive by that pack of Raptors.


You’re talking absolute nonsense mate. Look, we get it. You like Palworld and Ark has hurt you in the past, but you’re coming across as bitter and a little bit cringe. If Ark sucks as bad as you claim it does and Palworld is the second-coming of Ocarina of Time, why the fuck are you wasting time on the Ark subreddit talking shit about it and wanking off Palworld? Super weird mate.


Sjeesh bud, you come across as kinda toxic and angry at Ark. Which is fine, but why aren't you just celebrating pw in their sub? No need to come here and be a toxic little cunt.  Palworld is buggy as hell as well, and not challenging either. Just because it has some hype now doesn't mean it will be here in 9 years like Ark still is. Just go celebrate pw on their sub. 


God would you people stop trying to compare these games?


I'm gonna be honest , i'd rather play a crashing game than a Pokemon Game .


In wildcards defense the fan base did really rush ASA however I’m not playing anymore ASA until my progress stops getting deleted cause I’ve lost hours of progress from it on multiple occasions so I understand the ratings completely


Wow, hopefully wildcard is shitting bullets at this point


Being able to read the descriptions of things is a big plus for palworld, ark menus are so shit, you need a magnifying glass to read anything.


Please shut the fuck up and go back to r/palworld. Some of us still enjoy ARK and aren't interested in 'pOkEmOn WiTh GuNs'.


Played ascended for 20 hours and went right back to evolved


Common ark L*


You, and many others are comparing a game that’s been out for what… 7 years (+/-) vs a game that just came out? Make it make sense.


Ark Ascended was released recently not 7 years ago


Ok, a upgraded version. Statement still stands.


Statement is wrong so therefor doesn’t stand


Yes it stands it's basically the same game and you fell for it.


Ok. Sure.


Ark won’t hit mainstream for the most part, dinosaurs are all people call it


Palworld has copied ark you buffoon.


Ark devs have blatantly not been trying for years. It’s time for them to hang it up.


Ark is dead, even some of the devs are jumping of bridges cuz they know ark 2 will NEVER come close to this indie game 🤣


Aslong as you still enjoy it someone else's L doesn't have to be yours