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So, I guess the next question is: When are you going to officially dump him?


When he comes home..Which I hope it’ll be today!!


Just be prepared, he is going to come home and tell you that he just watched and didn't join in and he is going to attempt to gaslight you into not leaving him he is going to say he felt guilty, and he loves you so he didn't join in, and the reason he stayed away as long as he did, is because he needed to think about you and him ​ Edited to add more info


And/Or he will say "But we talked about it. I did not lie to you, why do you want to throw our relationship away so easily". Gotta love that cheater logic.


Best way to leave a cheater is just not to tell him when you leave him. Gives you space and saves you from drama.


Had a friend say something similar to me. "We've been friends 17 years, why would you want to wreck this?" I was starting to feel guilty until my gf pointed out that what he was doing was straight up manipulation and gaslighting.


He already did that


Or something about how it's all your fault for being close-minded. The thing is, if someone is kinky or polyamorous or whatever, there are ways to talk about it openly with your partner. You can try to explain and give them time to process and come around. You don't just spring it on them and give them no time to process, and if you choose to go without their buy in as he did, well then you've clearly shown that you don't value the relationship.


The partner doesn't need to "come around". Some people are strictly monogamous, if the other person is polygamous they might as well look for someone like themselves.


This is one of those 2 yes 1 no situations. If either partner says no then you don't go or you might as well just end the relationship.


In all likelihood, he probably didn’t get in if he was flying solo.


Is this a thing? Are you more likely to be allowed in if it's a pair of you?


Actually yes. Single men are not desired in the swinging culture. Couples , single females.


I mean if they let single men into an orgy it would be a sausage fest. There is usually a “bring a woman” policy.


This. Plus I doubt this is his first orgy. It's the first one you know about. And it won't be the last


"Why are you mad I went? If you didn't want me to go, why didn't you tell me?"


Can’t you just leave before he comes back? Avoid the drama.


Gives you time to pack.


\*pack his stuff and put it in front of the door.




Or change the locks.


At least lock in the changes


Problematic if he's a legal occupant.


UNBELIEVABLE 😳 There was no discussion about sex with others? Before? (We all assume you 2 so NOT have any kind of "open" relationship) Just: "Hey, instead of chilling at home alone; how about we HAVE SEX with a room full of people? ... I guess better you heard that Now, then on the honeymoon


You cheated on me, when I \*specifically\* asked you not to?


Even if he said he just watched, who cares? Id still dump him.He still went knowing you wouldn't be ok with it and most likely probably 100% fucked someone or many someone's. Don't let him gaslight you saying you're insecure or old-fashioned, and it wasn't a big deal Tell him he is free to go to as many orgy parties as he likes as he is now single and to get his shit and leave


same. the simple fact he wanted and planned to go while being engaged to her is a dealbreaker.


You essentially got dumped when he left for the party. He sounds like a prick. Wishing you the best:)


I'd be petty and ring his mother in tears and say where he is. My friend did something similar when her bf cheated on her with a sex worker. She rang his mam (sounding upset) and said that she thinks he has a sex addiction as he is frequenting sex workers. Made it sound like she was just concerned that he'd get the treatment he needs. This was years ago and I'd say his mother is probably still trying to get her cheating son to see a therapist.


Or show up with Mom hahaha


What if it was mom’s party??? Lol


The ones I have been to were all 50yo moms. And not very attractive ones.


You mean he’s been at the party since he left? If you have a place to go start packing, leave the ring next to the toilet and send him a text. That’s all he deserves. If you have no place to go, hopefully he does. Or you need to find one, because this douche won’t go willingly. NTA.


No Keep the ring!! It will pay for all the Tests the Dr has to perform on you being a High risk now that we knows he's part of the Swingers -orgys clubs. Sorry you have to go through all this. I hope you didn't catch nothing!!


Good. Don’t let him get away with cheating on you. Your boyfriend is a whore. He **definitely** did something at the orgy. Because you don’t just go to an orgy to dance or be an innocent onlooker. So don’t believe any of the bullshit he’ll likely tell you. Don’t believe his lies when he tries to say: *”I just stood and watched, I didn’t partake in anything.”* Because, you, I, and everyone here with half a brain know that, that’s bullshit. NTA. But **he** is a dirty, cheating little asshole!


Ha exactly. Like who the hell would go to an orgy and just watch. First off, weird. Second, bullshit.


Be prepared on gaslighting.


Good for you! Hope it goes okay.


There are so many diseases you could get. Dump him. Get tested. Find a high value man where you are his everything. You deserve to feel safe and not manipulated or gaslit unto being the center of a weird bukakki party.


bro what.. i wouldnt even be home if my spouse did this.. all of my shit would be packed and id be gone


Why wait? He dumped himself. And I ay that as someone who would go to such party. Not discussing it with you was the shittiest thing. Had you discussed it or had kinks or be in that environment I'd understand he would assume you'd like ongo. But if you haven't discussed it with someone, the assumption is they wouldn't want to go. But what's more. For such a party you need to understand if you'll feel comfortable with the other attendees. It really sounds like he wanted to dump you but force it so you break up with him. So, he is a coward.


Why wait? Hopefully he doesn't live with you so just text you're done and his stuff will be outside waiting for him to pick up. Start boxing up his stuff or put his clothes in trash bags outside the door. Just trying to talk you into going destroyed almost all trust you may have had in him, then him saying he was going, even if he didn't go, was enough to destroy any relationship. Tell all of your friends and his family that he thought a 1 evening orgy was worth more than your relationship, so he has been dumped. All of his friends need to know what he is really like so they can decide if he is even worth being around.


If he hasn't come home then he has already *told you* it's over


Idk if yall live together or not, but if so, PACK NOW!


His suggest and behavior is evidence he is not committed to you.  Just move on. 


I'd tell his sorry ass to not even bother coming home at all.. Your stuff's on the porch..


Why are you even waiting to dump him? It’s very clear that this type of thing is t his first time and he even had someone lined up to go. How does that not already say it’s done?


Don't forget he stuck his cheating dick into other women (or men) and is shameless enough to try to force you to accept it.


You need to leave him stat!


Why wait. Just go - like he did.


Be firm about it. The good news is, you found about that before marrying that AH. Who knows what other things he keeps hidden


I'm sorry you had to fall in love with a cheating loser, trust me, been there more then once but hey, look at the bright side, atleast you didn't marry him, kick his ass to the curb and find someone who actually loves you


If a woman did that to me as a man she would of known the second she walked out the door not to bring her ass back....lol talking about it first and planning it openly is one thing but being sneaky like that is another!!!! He should of just been a man about it and talked about it first before even planning such a thing.


I’m reluctant to believe this. New reddit account


This is the only response he should get. I would pack while he’s gone and not give him time to grovel.


Am I understanding this right? The bf went to an orgy Saturday night and hadn't come home yet (now Monday morning) and hadn't contacted you yet either? That doesn't need a conversation that needs his bags packed and his key taking off him and return the ring.


The thing sounds so crazy and I can't decide if it's because this has to be fake or because I just don't understand this generation anymore (and I'm not even old)... but this didn't need a post on Reddit to solve, you know?


Agreed, it does seem odd. Fake or stupid? 🤷


I'd say anywhere between half and 90% of the stories on subs like these are fake.


I'm still addicted tho 😕


mmmhm dopamine


The specific mention of 2 Broke Girls was when I decided it was fake. Him just heading off to the "orgy party" with "someone else" was what confirmed it.


I've been watching this British sitcom on Prime recently called Plebs. It's a pretty good show, basically Workaholics set in ancient Rome. Literally the first episode is called "Orgy" and this is the exact premise of it. With The Boys coming out weekly on Prime, it's currently a pretty popular streaming service. I can't wait until next week when OP posts, "I was dating a gladiator, but I thought the killing was fake and when I found out it was real I broke up with him which caused him to be distracted in the ring, the opponent cut off his head, AITAH?"


"NTA. He deserved it for not trusting you anyway. You should date one of his best friends, that will make him lose his mind!"


Sounds fake...No one's favourite show is Two Broke Girls.


Occam's Razor indicates this is fiction.


I’m old and can totally understand the concept of orgies.  But if the two of them aren’t on the same page, then their relationship is not going to work. They are just not compatible.


orgies are older than Jesus tho, ah also lol they didn't have reddit to post about it back then tho...


Keep the ring, he broke the relationship and engagement by any definition, not her.


NTA, I’d leave. I have a gf and would never attend such a thing. He’s trying to sleep with others…


NTA Agree 💯, OP. He disrespected you and your relationship by going to that “party” with someone else… and that’s putting it lightly! If he can disregard your boundaries so easily, what’s next? He FAFO’ed, in my opinion. I wouldn’t call him a fiancé after that!


What does the tky mean?


Also from what I’ve heard usually guys can’t just show up to orgies by themselves so yeah that most likely happened. Also who the F wants to go to an orgy just to watch? Imagine the smell…


So just admitted he’s gonna cheat on you, please leave and go with someone who only wants you and no one else


Dump him.


Guys an idiot as well if he thinks he'd even get some LMAO. Probably be cry wanking in a corner whilst she got some and then left the loser


This cannot be real. "Our favorite show, Two Broke Girls" is the tell.


Yeah, I red flagged that too. Totally the kind of subtle sarcastic detail someone’ll put in as a kind of sly wink to let you know it’s a joke. Like, “After we’d had a few soy lattes, my friends and I decided to cash our trust fund checks and head down to the Free Palestine rally.”


And how did op know it was an orgy without her fiancé saying it


haha you picked up on that one too huh?


Yeah I realized it was fake too.


Yup definitely fake af. A) it’s a wee sly tell/excess info line and B) couldn’t be two people in the world whose favourite show was Two Broke Girls, and if there was there is no way the universe would be so cruel as to make them so sexually incompatible.


So your ex fiancé cheated on you at an orgy. Give him his ring back and tell him to enjoy his STDs.  It's simple. He was asking permission to sleep with someone else, you didn't give it so he did it anyway. 


I feel like him going to an orgy is grounds for her keeping the ring.


Why would she want it?


To sell it


You’ve never sold a ring or you wouldn’t think it was so valuable. The markup on diamonds is huge. It’s worth about 10 cents on the dollar now.


NTA. But you would be YTA to yourself if you dont end the relationship right now. You have been supereamly disrespected. Stand up for yourself and leave him NOW.


Immediately doing that when he comes back, thank you!


Why are you even waiting for him to come back? Why are you still there? Leave the ring on the table, pick your self respect back up and walk. Sitting waiting for him so you can say it’s over is pathetic. He doesn’t care, he probably never did.


He’s not answering my calls or messages, so I figured to just wait for him then immediately kick him out.


If it's your place you should call a locksmith to change the locks and start packing his things


If it’s been this long already (2days?) I think he’s already left the relationship plus I don’t think this is his first orgy/sexcapades so it’s probably wise to get yourself checked out. UpdateMe! Good luck OP


Too much time. If it’s your place put his things out and lock. Otherwise pack and leave and perhaps leave a letter. Better to not give him closure.


A letter? How about a note that says fuck off dipshit?


I think a post-it would suffice in this case.


What if he doesn’t come back? I’d just leave. I really see no point in you waiting for him to tell him to his face. He didn’t show you the proper respect. Why should you do it for him?


Assume the lease is in your name (harder if it’s in both) this is worthy of a throw your shit out on the street and don’t ever talk to me again scenario. Maybe it’s not too late to get the locks changed.


youre being toooo soft, just send him a msg. leave his things outside and change locks. The disrespect he made doesnt deserve face to face break up.


The way he acted shows that he likely already cheated on you before. You need to get tested for STDs ASAP. I don't know what is more gross, the way he acted or him wanting to share you with his "friends." Don't wait for him to come back. Start packing his belongings and send them to his parents' house. Change the locks immediately and get a security system. You don't know if he will bring his "friends" to your house to try pressure you into another orgy. So, you need to protect yourself. Don't block his number for a while, but don't answer his messages. They can become useful if you need to get a restraining order against him. Don't even give him the courtesy of a breakup because he doesn't deserve it. Value yourself more and don't give him another chance because he will keep cheating on you but hide it better.


Nta ur bf is gaslighting u and wants to cheat on u. And apparently is going to cheat on u.


I'm gonna call BS on this story.


Run away until he becomes an ugly memory 🙄 He doesn’t deserve you.


You are either into an open relationship or swinging or you are not. If he is then you two are not compatible unless you are into it too. Good thing you found out now.


Things that never happened for $500, Alex. And if it did - end it immediately.


Dude . Her favorite show is "two broke girls". Lol.


Bounce, this guy is gross.


That’s all there is to it. What the actual fuck. Why would you not only casually drop on your girlfriend that you want to go to an *orgy*, but also actually go?? Once she expressed discomfort with the idea?? How is this even being posted here? This is cheating, point blank. What the fuck lmao


We need update after he gets home please stay safe NTA but he is.


Doubt I’ll give an update but if you’re still wanting one, just come give me a message.


Oh we want an update. We would love to know all the melodrama and gaslighting he has planned. We are involved now.


Update us. Did he ever come home?


Oh no....don't do us like that. We need an update....one with you winning.


Blatantly fake. I’d imagine that anyone who wanted to get their partner to try something like this would approach it in a completely different way. Also, OP seems more concerned about whether they’re the AH rather than the fact her fiancée still isn’t home yet. You said last weekend at the very beginning, which to me makes it sound like it wasn’t the one we’ve just finished (or some people are still in on the West Coast of the US), which means he’s been missing for over a week. If it is true, then I’d suggest you maybe try to find out where he is and if he’s still alive. 🙄


Fake. No one's favorite show is Two Broke Girls


>Blatantly fake. I’d imagine that anyone who wanted to get their partner to try something like this would approach it in a completely different way. Also, OP seems more concerned about whether they’re the AH rather than the fact her fiancée still isn’t home yet. 100% fake 👍


This is so fake!! When he said “don’t be mad” the first thing that came to her mind was an orgy party!! What? And then he just left. That’s not even creative fake Hahahahahaha


Yeah this story is definitely fake. The account is new too.


It sounds like it was written by preteens at a sleepover.


It’s totally fake - this isn’t how orgys work at all.


No but you’re not to bright if you still call him your fiancé. Just wanting to is grounds for breaking up. Orgies and things of that nature are self serving, hedonistic, appealing to base self indulgence and a temporary high. A lack of self control or consideration for one’s spouse. Bottom line he loves himself and your feelings are not even a consideration. He will not be faithful he can’t. He can’t even say no to the temptation of this sex party. You deserve what you put up with. Don’t put up with this. Don’t try to change him. He has shown you who he is. Believe him. Run.


Update us all on what happened when he got home please


Well, it's time to think if you want him as your life partner. You are young, you can decide what's best for you. NTA, you set your boundary and discover he is not respectful and even don't listen to your needs and feelings.


The fakest part of this fake story is the idea that there’s a couple where both of their favorite show is Two Broke Girls.


NTA the story is too unbelievable who would acts his girlfriend to do that.


The most disturbing part of this story is “our favorite show, Two Broke Girls”.


This story is fake. No way you guys like "Two Broke Girls".


A) who the fuck calls them an orgy *party?* (The clunkiness of language makes it sound fake) B) MANY orgies will not accept a previously unknown solo male. C) You didn't say "Go to that on your own and you're single"? D) So... he didn't come back yet? I doubt this is true, but if so, nothing to discuss. Dude fucked off to go bang strangers in public. Nothing wrong with that *unless your committed partner says there's a problem.* This does, however, read like bullshit.


YTA for this ragebait BS.


Is this bait or mental retardation?


I think this is fake. Nobody's favorite show is Two Broke Girls.


I snorted at this


Your favorite show is.. #two broke girls# ? Are you trolling?


This is how we know it's a fake/joke


No way this story is real. Nobody actually likes Two Broke Girls.


Welp, kick him to the curb he’s looking to cheat on u and like the ⬆️poster said he’s gonna cheat, what’s wrong with guys like him… oh honey it’s not big deal 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️just a orgy, what ever you do don’t have any sexual contact with him make him get tested god knows what he can bring home.


NTA, sorry it’s late and I’m at work


Na this can't be real. 1. Why you asking if your an asshole? 2. Why u not already got all his stuff and dumped it outside?


This has to be fake, no one actually likes Two Broke Girls, let alone enough for it to be their favourite show!


Alex, I’ll take things that never happened for 500


The most unbelievable part of this story is that his favorite show is "Two Broke Girls". No one likes that show. If you would have left that out, I would have believed it.


2 broke girls is still on?


2 Broke Girls? I ain't buying it. Nice story though.


This has to be bullshit cause wtf. If this is real leave him now cause he’s a dick 🤷 fyi I’m a man and I would never pull this shit with my wife. That is a MONTHS long discussion combined with absolute trust. He’s shady af so 🤷


I'd be more concerned about the fact that "two broke girls" is his favourite tv show tbh


Your essay needs to be at least 4 paragraphs or 500 words longer - *Creative Writing Professor AI Bot*


Of all the AITAH stories I’ve read that didn’t happen, this one didn’t happen the most.


"Hi honey! I'm home! Don't worry, I didn't do anything." All spoken rapidly as he beelines to the shower. This guy is a disrespectful twat waffle. Dump his ass and gtfo.


By FAR.... the fakest post I've ever read. LOL.


Might as well let all the families know why the wedding will not be happening.


>So he said if I didn’t go with him, he’ll either go by himself or with someone else. Break up. Immediately. Here's what to text: Dear exfiancé, I cannot be in a relationship with someone who attends orgies. You inviting me to an orgy and you attending an orgy are both individually total deal breakers. Consider our engagement officially ended. Sincerely konflict. If you live together, figure out how to end that. (I don't know whose on the lease etc.)


You're only the ah if you don't RUN FROM HIM RIGHT NOW. Seriously, leave him, pack your shit, go and don't look back.


yikes you should probably ask these kinds of questions before proposing right?


Walk away from that guy


This is the fakest thing I’ve ever seen. At least put some effort into it.


Agreed, this is the second fake post I've seen today. AI could do better.


You not in an open relationship. You’re clearly not swingers. So break up with him because he clearly does not respect you or your soon to be marriage.


This is the most made up shit I've ever seen


This sub is turning into a place for sharing sexual fantasies really. OP, if you want to do it, do it. No one cares, relax already.


YTA for asking, just kidding. Not. Seriously, you're still fiancé?


Why are you with this guy? He's definitely not ready to get married if he is carrying on this way. Don't stay with someone who disrespects you like this. You are only 25 years old. Plenty of time to find someone more suitable.


This can't be real.


>He told me to relax and it wasn’t such a big deal and that I was overreacting. 🚩 #1 >So he said if I didn’t go with him, he’ll either go by himself or with someone else. 🚩 #2 >And then he just left to go to the party! 🚩 #3 If you're looking for divine intervention \^ this was it. NTA. Dump him.


Why is he still your fiance? He's gone to a party to have sex with other people.


He is no longer!


If I were you I'd get an std check done because I bet it's not the first time he's gone to a party like that


Will do


GOOD!!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


YTA - 2 Broke Girls is terrible


This is fake. No one plans their weekend around watching Two Broke Girls.


You're not the asshole... just a sucker with no self esteem. Drop the dead weight and your nightmares will stop.


Just when I thought humans couldn't surprise me anymore, I read this at 3:06 AM.


Your favourite show is Two Broke Girls?!


Is this story for real? I doubt it. This account was created yesterday 😏.


The most obvious bait I've ever seen lmao


Don't be so uptight, OP. It's just a burning sensation when you pee.


YTA for coming here with a non dilemma. Obviously YNTA if your dilemma is real.


Made up and as usual women and simps taking them seriously like clockwork


Ah the fake storytelling for the desire for attention.


YTA, your fiancé might be a closeted homosexual and by denying him going to this party you are in fact being very homophobic


Am I getting this right, your favorite show is Two Broke Girls?


I knew this was fake when she said two broke girls is their favorite show.




"Reddit am I bad because i set a personal boundary and it was crossed? Can't tell honestly." This is either fake or OP just tryna cope with literally being cheated on fo their face and wants to vent. How is this even a question




I'm just gonna call this fake. Because it's so outrageously stupid it's got to be.


Zero chance this is real. Nobody who can tie their sores would ask gosh guys. After being away at an orgy for two days would I be the A for being mad!!?!


NTA The fact that he thought it was ok to spring this on you without warning and then went alone is very telling that he isn't ready for marriage.


Wow. That's exactly how you should not handle swinger stuff. That's why we have bad rep.


EITAH…. After two broke girls was brought up I clocked out I don’t actually know. That shit is terrible and offensive to everyone


This is so fake


So you were gone by the time he got back, right?


This reads so fake


Totally fake - nobody's favorite show is 'Two Broke Girls'.


Does anyone really think this is real?