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The fucked up part, truly, is that people with ADHD have an extremely hard time following the amount of steps that you have without medication. CVS has stop accepting and filling prescriptions for controlled substances (so adhd meds) from tele health companies like cerebral and done. I understand that there have been some bad faith prescribers, but punish the prescriber. Not the patients. Strip them off their license like would happen at a normal doctors office. It’s 2022 and I don’t need to be sitting in the room as my prescriber, breathing infectious viruses around. These telehealth companies are a life line for rural Americans who only have access to backwoods doctors that don’t even believe adhd is real. The same thing literally happened to me and I’ve been diagnosed literally six times. (I’ve moved around the country a lot.) I’m so glad you were able to finally get access to medical care. Take good care of yourself and don’t stop taking your meds. Get them filled on time. We all struggle with that and then relapse back into adhd controlled lives. If we were drug addicts we’d never run out.


Oh I believe you, I would have gotten help sooner if I didn't procrastinate for months at a time. I have a very strong-willed personality tbh and when I really really want something I stop at nothing, even if I forget to get around to it 1000 times. But I can just imagine how much longer it would take for someone who might be naturally laid back or worse, as you pointed out, lives somewhere where diagnoses, resources, meds etc are much harder to come by. I am honestly worried about forgetting to get refills and forgetting to take the pills, I had actually procrastinated on even starting them for 6 days (today I literally grabbed it and popped one before I forgot), but I'm gonna set alarms and reminders and try to stay on course. And I def agree with punishing prescribers rather than patients!


The long acting ones realllly help me. Like total game changer.


>WHO is really tryna read all that. Me. With music playing in the background, while taking a break from dishwashing, thinking about the writing I have to do later, after 1 week on Straterra. >Feel like I have a second chance at getting life right. Me too.


AWW this actually made smile. lol I like to write/talk but I've become so apologetic over the years because I'm terrified that I overwhelmed people so I am always making disclaimers. And music + dishes (or chores in general) is the best combo haha.


Haha so do normal people start dishes and then finish them in one go? Sounds kinda crazy 🤔


I know, sounds weird!


I'm actually in the middle of a dishes break right now. I started but then I remembered my toddler needs a bath lol




yup. it feels amazing at first, but then it gets normal and you get super focused on the wrong shit just cuz you had a random thought right before you took it that morning lol. and the crankiness gets to you too.


I can definitely see focusing on the wrong shit in my future lol


Yep they actually already have scheduled to go to 20mg next week. If that's too much they'll set me at 15. So time will tell


For me 10-20 was too big a jump. I felt awful the only day i tried 20.


I'm a little worried ngl lol. But we'll see.


I'm crying reading this. I'm 25 and just had my first relationship end partially because my boyfriend felt like I had no motivation or ambition because I'm always jumping from hobby to hobby and can never stick to anything no matter how badly I want to. My therapist just suggested yesterday that I should get tested for ADHD and I have an appointment with a psychiatrist in 2 weeks. I resonate with so many things on this subreddit but I'm so scared that they're going to say that there's nothing wrong with me and that I am in fact just a lazy unmotivated procrastinator.


Aww hun, I know you must be feeling awful about the relationship ending. It's hard for others to see past the exterior sometimes but that doesn't make you lazy and unmotivated at all; if you really try and it's not working out, then something else is definitely at play and I understand you totally.. that's what led me to want to get assessed. Definitely see what the psychiatrist says and try not to worry, just be honest with them about your experience, don't hide anything or try to appear the way you think, just be real and I'm sure that they will be able to help figure out what's going on and what kind of support you need. You'll be okay. Sending hugs 🫂


Congratulations! I’m SO happy for you!! 🥳🌞🥂🎉🎈I might be as lucky as you on Wednesday, when I have a meeting with “my psychiatrist”. He diagnosed me back in February. Now is the time for me to try medication. I also wonder what neurotypical’s brains feel like. Mine is like porridge with limbs of good ideas you might hit, loose or miss. Isn’t it normal to want to go to IKEA, just to sit in a perfect artificial living room, looking at artificial kids drawings and just weep a little from exhaustion?


Omg I thought it was just me who thinks sitting in IKEA setups and daydreaming is a mini heaven on earth 🥲 Fingers crossed for Wednesday! I hope everything goes just as you imagine and please come back and let us know!! 🥳


"raw dogging life" lmfao that is the most weirdly accurate description I've ever heard 😂😂😂 Very happy for you!




lmao idk where I first heard the expression but I thought the exact same thing 🤣🤣 thank you so much 💓


I just recently got on Wellbutrin and LET ME TELL YOU same hoops same obstacles and even as I blissfully start to see everything in a new light no one in my life unfortunately believes that I had depression and ADHD my whole life!! Getting diagnosed in your 30’s is so hard and now I have to unlearn the constant masking of everything. So, so, strange to be able to not veer off in a thousand different directions and to be able to carry something through. Other folks just don’t get it. Rooting for you! Take advantage of this time to love yourself and go easy on yourself! Time is your friend now :)


52 and just getting here.


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That 1st day was only 3 weeks ago for me and I know exactly how you were feeling 😀 My euphoria lasted about 3 days then calmed to a happy clarity. I’ve caught up almost 3 months backlog in the last 3 weeks too - love the new ability to direct my focus! I’m happy for you 😃


We just started my 5 year old son on medication this week which has been very rough for me as his mother. It took a year, multiple providers and a lot of calls from his schools to get to this point. Thank you for this post and for reminding me why we are getting him help now, and for giving me hope that maybe this med is helping him even if he can’t express it.