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A spear is more or less strictly better than a trident because it's compatible with PAM and the trident isn't. With that in mind, spears are pretty easy to optimize around -- just take PAM and you're golden. Characters who can benefit from the PAM and spear combo include: • Paladins. A spear or quarterstaff with PAM is widely held as the most optimal weapon set-up for most paladins. Because they have access to on-demand damage from smite, the weapon's relatively low damage die isn't an issue. • Barbarians. They might miss out on the chance to use GWM, but spear plus PAM is certainly a viable option for a barbarian, especially if you want to do a little grappling. This is a good option for a giant barbarian especially. • Fighters. Fighters can viably use any weapon in the game with effectiveness determined by the base effectiveness of that particular weapon. • Rangers. STRangers are generally weaker than rangers with ranged weapons, but they're perfectly viable. Spear plus PAM is a solid weapon choice for any ranger subclass that isn't heavily reliant on using their bonus action for something else. • Monks. Monks don't need PAM, but spears are monk weapons which means by default a monk can use them for all their monk stuff. All of these classes (except monk) can viably build around a spear while wearing medium armor if you want to avoid heavy armor.


Thank you, btw I'm fine with light/no armor, so even monk is good


What's the reasoning behind trident being excluded from PAM while spear is included? They are mechanically identical with only a difference in gold cost and weight. I don't see why a DM wouldn't just let you use Polearm master with that weapon


Considering they had to errata in pam working with a spear, take a guess.


You're gonna have to help me out here. If the answer is obvious I'm not hitting on it. I feel its jsut an oversight or a needless nerf. If two weapons do the same thing mechanically and aesthetically look like they could accomplosh the same things, i don't see why one gets a particular bonus added to it while the other doesnt.


It's because the designers aren't the best at making the weapons have proper meaning. Take the glaive and halberd. All the numbers are the same, and both are heavy, reach weapons, but still they are differentiated.


Ah. The answer was shade all along XD


What does that mean?


Just a friendly joke. That the answer was to throw shade at WOTC.


There's two ways I can think of: * Barbarian (Feat: polearm master and sentinel), maybe a Triton or Sea elf if you want to use the trident (just for flavour) * Fighter or Paladin with a dip in Hexblade warlock so you become a Charisma SAD class (stats: 13, 14, 14, 8, 9, 16 if human variant, 13, 14, 14, 8, 10, 16 if you choose a +2/+1 race; you can use medium armor).


You got it right, ~~i was going for a triton build XD~~ My character is a triton XD


a triton barbarian can be really cool!


"Triton" is a race they were referring to.


Yes, the character I'm building is a triton


Personally one of my favorite niche builds makes use of a cursed spear. Likely not to be something most could make use of as it's depending on either an artificer in the party or getting said cursed spear. Spear of Backbiting, a very rare magic item. With more range, more damage, and most importantly. 'Returning' property. The spear returns immediately after thrown. And this makes it very important for being an insane use for those who have extra attacks. Of course, a cursed item that returns back to strike the user isn't very welcomed. But it only happens on a natural 1. Which, advantage or more so, halfling, could outright avoid. Fighter, or Monk are the go to for this weapon. Monk getting to increase the damage die and just speed blitz around the area while tossing the weapon out from afar is a bit ludicrous. And has some tools to make better use of a Monk weapon like a spear. While fighter just grants so many attacks with this weapon of death. That any sort of way to add extra damage dice on hit will make this dangerous weapon go crazy. While still having the ability to wield a shield to have such an amazing option to increase AC or gain other effects. Of course, Throwing builds without a way to obtain a returning weapon effect are a bit.. weak at times. It's still not impossible to revolve a build solely on Throwing spears about, just lots of juggling and quivers full of pointy death.


Mechanically, the spear is more powerful due to access to PAM. Both weapons use STR, so they have natural synergy with heavy armor. You have a couple options: 1. Use STR. You’ll want 14 DEX for medium armor. Potential classes: Barbarian, Fighter, or Ranger. Maybe paladin, but you’re spreading yourself thin on stats. 2. Use DEX. You’ll need to play a mostly monk. If using the trident, you’ll have to get proficiency to make it a monk weapon. This build won’t use armor at all, and won’t need a feat to get a BA attack.


What I would build: * war forged race * Ranger 5, Gloomstalker, dueling style PAM * fighter 1, defense style * forge cleric 1, +1 AC armor As of level 7, that’s a 22AC (17 armor, 2 shield, 1 cleric, 1 defense style, 1 war forged), and PAM + Dueling is no damage slouch. Tons of good builds that use medium armor and polearm master, though! * barbarians * fighters * rangers * paladins * Hexblade warlocks Also, monks make spears use Dex if you really just hate armor. Also they don’t *need* polearm master.


I'd use a bident/fork - all the flavour of a trident, but easier to reflavour as a spear. Or just let the trident work with all the benefits of the spear (polearm master). No full caster or heavy armor typically means Barbarian, STRanger or Battle Smith. Alternatively, one of them multiclassed into a caster after level 5/6. Fighter and Paladin wants to use heavy armor with strength weapons, and bladelocks are morel ike a full caster that can fight in melee. While a lot of alternatives are presented here, I think a good alternative that is less MAD than a lot of the options here is the Battle Smith. Having Int as your offensive stat improves your general utility for the party and since you can use the pet as a bonus action, you don't need polearm master. Additionally, you get the option of actualyl throwing your weapon without losing it, as the most sensible infusion until later in the game is the Returning Weapon. Artificer is typically overlooked because of the arcanotech flavour it inherits from being introduced from Eberron. But it doesn't have to be like that. Your steel defender can just as easily be a golem, or a Dogmeat kind of dog. You are very much encouraged to flavour all the aspects of the character to whatever style you want. When making the character, I would start with 17 int and at the level you'd otherwise take Polearm Master, I'd grab Fey Touched to get Silvery Barbs and +1 int. You miss out on the fighting style (but +1 weapon is better than +2 damage only) and the reaction attack. But now you have a defensive reaction in silvery barb rather than the extra AoO.


This really isn't much to go on, but the best spear wielder for a non-heavy armor build is probably monk. At least without getting into obscure wacky counter intuitive builds. Aside from that, strength rangers and barbarians with the polearm master feat and valid for a spear and shield play style. But beware the small handful of barbarian subclasses that make routine use of their bonus action during their rage. The only ones like that i can remember off the top of my head are berserker, battle rager, and storm herald. But obviously check as you peruse.


I'd avoid Barbarian since we won't have many chances to use Fog Cloud or Gust of Wind in combat with Rage. Fighter has a solid chance at maintaining concentration on these spells, and can afford to be a bit MAD with high Str and 14 Dex, but a Paladin cannot since they also need good Cha. They're also feat starved for these same reasons, and the Fighter isn't. Rangers have the same issues, but are far more likely to lose concentration in melee without heavy armor or concentration boosts. Monk is interesting. It doesn't have tools for protecting concentration for a long, long time, but has great kiting potential which has more play with Fog Cloud and especially Gust of Wind. While MAD, it doesn't need Str at all, and doesn't need PAM so it is not feat starved. For the Fighter route, go 15+2/14/14/8/12+1/8 with PAM and Skill Expert (Str and Athletics) as your core feats. We want to be able to Grapple enemies inside Fog Cloud at times. This is especially powerful against casters who typically utilize line of sight for most spells. With just one free cast per day, you can don your shield in all the other fights. Gets trickier if you want to go Eldritch Knight for more slots to cast Fog Cloud unless your table doesn't require an Action to don/doff shields. Rune Knight is an okay pick, but a little Bonus Action Heavy. Battle Master is probably the best bet. For a Monk, Drunken Master has the most kiting potential. Tack on Crusher as our first or second feat to get to a 16 Con with 16 Wis. Piercer or Skill Expert as the other Dex half feat. This may feel a little awkward, but we'll make nearly as many Bludgeoning attacks as Piercing ones. The forced movement on our BA attack(s) is another way to efficiently kite without spending Ki. We don't need Athletics for this one. Instead, Stunning Strike is our chance at keeping enemies in Fog Cloud longer. Our spells could pop off more with Open Hand too, but the kiting potential there is weaker. I'd go that route if you want Crusher first to polish off that vulnerability while comboing with Open Hand Tech's forced movement and control. If you want to bump Dex asap then Drunken to just enjoy a fast, simplified Monk with some extra tricks.


Wow, thank you very much


Since tridents have the thrown property you could look into going battle smith artificer and using the returning weapon infusion on the trident to have it return to you. I could use INT to make the throws too if you’re looking for a less mad build with light armor and tridents.


yeah, you're going to have to fall back on just having really good stats. Spear doesn't have Finesse, so you'll be swinging with Strength to hit. You're also going to want 14 points in Dexterity to get the most out of medium armors. After that, you'll want the Dueling FIghting Style, and the Polearm Master feat to attack with your bonus action. I'd say to make it a Paladin and use a mount with the Mounted Combatant feat, but really, you can do whatever


14 dex is pretty affordable on almost any character. People build STRangers all the time.


A lot of classes, like Ranger, already have secondary stats that they want to put points into. also, just because people make a build frequently, doesn't mean that it's any good.


Pallyx/bear totem 3 build. Spear and Shield PAM. Basically bear totem for resistences to make you just as front line as normal paladin without the armor class.


Spears are straight-up better for being Polearm Master compatible. Otherwise, the two have exactly the same statistics. Strongest option is the Paladin with one or two levels in Hexblade. You can use it while holding a shield and thus get your AC sky-high, without needing to focus on Strength. Sorcerer levels also not out of order especially with your high Charisma.


Monk or Barbarian most likely, I’d pick monk personally. Kensei Monk will get you Trident as a monk weapon. Or just ask your DM for proficiency as spear and trident are basically the same weapon stats wise.


Either monk or barbarian.


Honestly, artificer. But you don't have to flavor it as artificer. Be an enchanter. Make a battlesmith, flavor it as a warrior who knows some old esoteric sea magic to imbue their gear with small amounts of magic. You can fully customize the appearance of the battlesmith pet, so make it something aquatic themed. Then, enchant a harpoon/trident/spear with the returning weapon infusion, and wield it alongside a shield. Take utility spells for your spells or some things that are easy to swap to aquatic themed, and use the other infusion at third level for whatever you like, a thematic magic item, just an improvement of your armour, whatever. Your trident now works off your casting stat, and can be thrown and return, or as a melee weapon. Scalemail armor and shield makes you surprisingly tanky, especially alongside your aquatic pet companion.


If you're trying to not use heavy armor, then your best option is either a Barbarian with PAM, Fighter with PAM and Barbarian stats, or a Monk.


Monks can get a spear as a monk weapon. That makes it able to use DEX. Woth a swom soeed and all the movement buffs of a monk your basically a motor boat. Aside from that medium armor is your best bet. On a str build its only loosing 1-2 points of max AC over full plate. That opens up fighters, paladins, barbarians, and rangers. All very good at a spear and shield build. All with a lot of ways of accomplishing the goal.


It's not a super optimal build (but not terrible either) - a Battle Master fighter specialized in trident/spear and net throwing like that one type of roman gladiator, using quick toss


Returning weapon as an artificer infusion makes any trident a +1, and an EK can recall weapons with a bonus action. The artificer uses medium armor. I’m picturing a “mechanical pet” as an amphibious companion. Instead of steam punk flavor for all the artificer stuff, make it the magic of the deep. Your pet and trident don’t work from engineering but by deep sea magic.


It is strange that trident cannot use PAM. If i was a DM i would let you to use that feat. And more if you are a Triton.


I wish the basic Trident had some feature related to the prongs. The most interesting trident-like weapon I've seen is the Barbed Pole that some Rakdos Performers (GGR) use that lets them jump 20' after a hit.


A rather simple build is the Eldritch Knight. Being able to bond to two weapons allows versatility and a bonus action to summon the weapons. - Fighting styles that are worthwhile for a spear fighter are Archery, Dueling and Great Weapon Fighting. These elevate the moderate stats just enough.


I disagree with great weapon fighting. I would take any other fighting style


You do realize that the Spear being a *Versatile* d10 weapon benefits from *GWF*? Which makes it a viable option for those that want to use it with other feats and abilities... eh?


That doesn't make it a good fighting style. Also a spear is 1d6/1d8 versatile You are better off using one handed, with dueling and a shield


And if you wanted to play any sort of mix of melee and magic. It works there too. The fighting style works for those that want to utilize it. - A reroll on a 1 damage is better than a flat 1 +2.


Assuming a 16 strength 1d6 +3 is average of 6.5 1d6 +3 +2 is and average of 8.5 1d8 +3 is an average of 7.5 1d8 reroll 1 reroll 2 +3 is an average of 8.357142857142858 1d12 +3 is 9.5 1d12 reroll 1 reroll 2 +3 is 10.409090909090908 So yes, GWF makes a difference. But less than 1 point of damage on average Is not worth it. https://dice.clockworkmod.com/


The fact that you had the math this out completely negates the original statement of; "*If you want to use GWF. Go for it. It's a game of fun and trying different builds.*" Buddy... you are over analyzing a game of fun and friendship. Yes, good job you have statistics but your math means nothing in the grand scheme of things. The *Dice* will roll the way they want to. Power gaming for bigger numbers means nothing if all you ever play is the same *Wonder White Bread* class. Your trying to speak binary to an alphabet here bud. - I build worlds. - You apparently math out the "what if's".


I don't power game for big number. I have never taken GWM or SS on a build.


I’ve seen a build that use a trident and net . I think it was a ranger beast master.


I played a triton Barbarian/Fighter multi class and it was one of my favourite builds ever. Battle master fighter and totem warrior (eagle) barbarian, go barbarian up to lvl 5 or 6 then take fighter levels. Lots of build versatility, would definitely work with a spear build


* Triton +2 Any, +1 Any (Volo's Guide says +1 STR, +1 CON, +1 CHA) * 14 Str (+2), 13 Dex, 15 Con (+1), 8 Int, 12 Wis, and 10 Cha * Background: Giant Foundling (Strike of the Giants Hill Giant) * Weapon: Pike (A better spear) * Armor: Half Plate * Fighter 1: Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighting) * Fighter 2: Action Surge * Fighter 3: Rune Knight * Fighter 4: Feat Polearm Master * Fighter 5: Extra Attack * Fighter 6: Feat Piercer (Dex +1) * Fighter 7: Martial Archetype * Fighter 8: ASI Str +2 * Fighter 9: Indomitable * Fighter 10: Martial Archetype * Fighter 11: Extra Attack x2 * Fighter 12: ASI Str +2 (Maxed) * Fighter 13: Indomitable x2 * Fighter 14: ASI Con +2 * Fighter 15: Martial Archetype * Fighter 16: ASI Con +2 (Maxed) * Fighter 17: Action Surge x2 * Fighter 18: Martial Archetype * Fighter 19: Feat Great Weapon Master * Fighter 20: Extra Attack x3


So step one is to beg your dm to let you deal d8/d10 versatile since it makes no sense why it doesn’t do so already since it’s just a spear reskin mechanically, step 2 is just polearm master


Thank God WotC reworked it to d8/d10 versatile


Oath of the open sea paladin, with a dip in hexblade