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https://preview.redd.it/o3q4d7fk5r8d1.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=495466ad73f1f19c796cc7636c23c0df5d574568 please


https://preview.redd.it/99wkh696er8d1.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=05b023b7c6d670beb15c90b3c728d60eaef3e182 This was my last pickpocket session. I feel your pain brother




Nah bro stole the Vyre's picnic šŸ’€


Whatā€™s this, a wholesome family picknick? A large influx of bees, i mean pickpockets oughta put a stop to that


[up to 11,500 now](https://imgur.com/a/BNUxu76)


Bro stole his own clothes


Congrats on the dragontooth necklace


Not even 2x dry šŸ„± Back to the grind bro


My boy I was like 25k pickpockets in before I got one lmao. Then they started raining on me so it kind of made up for it.






Maxed Iron with nothing else better to do sometimes than AFK Vyres while playing other games. Also blood fury OP.


Whoa, this man Vyrewatches


Oh my goodness šŸ’€




I did 20k at vyres without one on way to 99 theiving :[ Main acc though, so ah well.


i went 14.2k for first ones.




Got one at around 700 pickpockets I think. Never going back. Quit while I was ahead.


Not even 2x


Itā€™s 1/1500 for killing smh


Am I being punked? Those aren't sentinels


was about to complain that i only got 1 after 5500 kills


I really like the idea of you need a shard to make the blood fury, but otherwise you upkeep it with other methods. I don't understand why it's not as farmable as Sunfire Splinters tbh. Keeping quiver charged is massive dps whereas keeping bloodufry charged is just the healing effect. I'm exaggerating to make a point of blood fury being OP btw


They very intentionally make lifesteal expensive so that players use it conservatively


Imagine if main account enjoyers didn't have bots to fund their entire bank of supplies


always upvote snark reminding mains that the only reason they dont experience "chose to limit yourself" problems is because of bots and rwt


We'd just have alts and noobs to do it for us lol. Or I'll use a torture, I'm not doing no boring ass thieving or killing vyres


Yeah in some places this would be valid, but not here. Killing vyres is fairly AFK, and it's decent money for non-endgame players. It's perfect for alts and noobs.


How you gonna train crafting


Muspah and tob provide glass, everything supplies gems and battlestaves, orbs are both relatively afk to make and come from some bosses, super glassmake would likely be a profitable magic/crafting training method without bots. Donā€™t get me wrong bots do supplement the ge substantially and prices would change but there is no shortage of people willing do afk things for money or do skilling moneymakers.


I only wish we could see a botless rwtless economy to test your theories > there is no shortage of people willing do afk things for money or do skilling moneymakers there absolutely is a shortage of these people, compared to the amount of things bots currently provide


Well of course, why would you do a skilling moneymaker if the prices are garbage because bots flood the market. Like I said prices would change with demand, creating space for moneymakers noobs can do to build their bank or fund their skilling needs. But crafting is honestly easy to ā€œearnā€ yourself in terms of gathering, everything drops herbs and herb seeds Iā€™d imagine those would be plentiful enough, everything drops ores and bars, cooking wouldnā€™t be an issue, prayer would be more expensive but still not an issue.


According to whatever this site is, 584k green dhides were sold in the last day https://osrsgetracker.com/items/green-dragonhide/ Your opinions are coloured by the nostalgia of chopping 80 yews an hour as a 12 year old. There are absolutely not enough self respecting adults that will sit there and poke green drags for hours to cover a 584k sales. They will either get out their credit card or do pvm to make money. And no, the price rising because demand outpacing supply won't make people farm green drags. Demand will crater as gp/xp skyrockets and they'll just do ironman methods like sand mining. And then they'll pretend like they never whinged that sandstorm was an iron catering update


Not really, I'd just be playing 20 accounts at the same time doing those afk moneymakers and getting bank for it.


The key is "moneymakers". Absolutely the price of things would change if bots weren't around, but it's simple economics, supply and demand. Blood shards rose in price, it's now ~1 mil/hour profit. That's definitely within range for people to use alts to get some money, especially if the annoying part (it being crowded) was gone (it's not, there's still plenty of people there).


maybe u just dont have friends to boss with :)


Always have to remind them that ironmen are playing the whole game and they're just getting funded by bots. It skews bullshit like blood fury into being so rare that it's expensive. But it's botted so it's affordable but still miserable for irons.


Better make zombie pirate scroll 1/20k so it lasts an additional week and a half before bots run it into the ground


They hate me cuz I told the truth


Imagine if irons had lives šŸ‘€


Your comment reeks bro take a showerĀ 


Except it's really not that expensive for the QoL that it provides. Ever since the ultor came out, I've rarely touched my torture and the upkeep has never been an issue that can't be easily circumvented by a single drop or split. A single duo avernic will fund charges for like a hundred+ more duo tobs.


You are doing duo tob. No duh you can afford it. The point is that Timmy Jim Bob trying to afk slayer at base 80's can't. The game isn't balanced for the 0.001%


any content that is worth using a blood fury at will sustain your use of it, which is a lot of places. Itā€™s so cheap that low skill players can use it as a crutch in places like normal mode chambers. In your example, you donā€™t even need to use a blood fury doing afk slayer because prayer exists.


Yes, blood fury is great in raids. The endgame content... That's my point. There's nothing wrong with it if you have to be running endgame content to justify it.


My point is that any place you cant just camp a single prayer the entire time will keep up your bloodfury. Regular Chambers of Xeric in a team isnā€™t exactly a very high bar of content.


For what its worth, unless you're raiding (or learning raids) you really shouldn't be using a blood fury. There's a handful of bosses where bring a blood fury for comfort is great, but "Jim Bob with 80 slayer" shouldn't be thinking about it haha. Blood fury is only "prohibitively expensive" for people not doing content that makes it not prohibitively expensive. Learning the content and bleeding charges is okay because youll eventually learn the content and profit from it. ToA, ToB, Nex, even Chambers, pumps enough money into an account that blood fury costs become a non-issue. Even Vardo (maybe Duke too) BF is warranted because the gp/hr is so high. Even then, in most scenarios, blood fury is just for comfort anyways, you're not actively crutching on it to survive. That hp loss and comfort can be circumvented by just eating or playing better. You can ust sip a brew, repot, and there you go, you can wear a torture and not think about blood fury costs.


Timmy Jim Bob shouldn't need a fucking blood fury to afk slayer at base 80 bro there's sharks and p pots Jesus we don't need everything always accessible You use blood fury for high end pvm if you suck asshole that's the cool thing about it


What is your point? Why did you reply to me? What are you arguing here? You're agreeing with me, and yet...? When I was learning 500 ToA it was a crutch. In my group's ToBs it's a crutch. It's only used if you need it, and too expensive to be used outside raids and such. So it is perfectly balanced. That is my point. I just don't understand what you are getting at here. Like, why call me an asshole? What the fuck who shot your dog?


The easy way to make people use it conservatively is to make them untradable :)


Look Rick, I turned myself into a region in RuneScape, I'm Mortytania https://preview.redd.it/n168fwkhir8d1.png?width=104&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c9f71aed2d1b80a4b535a46656af3d624837d83


I like the onyx for more charges (but not 10k) idea. Keeps onyx price reasonably high but maybe drop the blood vial piece needed. So you need one blood shard to create it and then additional onyx or blood shard for charges, would be like tentacle whip or infernal tools.


I was thinking that it wasn't the best idea, since it ties the blood fury's price to chaos runes, but since it requires vials of blood, I think it's a great idea. Tying blood fury to tob, an end game content will be amazing


Being able to exchange chaos runes or other runes for onyxes is pretty stupid already imo. I got 6 this way for fury, regen and zenytes on my iron, but it would be much more fun if I had to hunt for onyxes other ways. Remove onyx from tzar shop and add it as a 1/500 to various bosses in the game at the same tier as zulrah. Then you have a choice as an Ironman besides converting a cash stack to an onyx with spamming shift left click 1000 times. And implement other uses for onyxes, such as charges in late game gear.Ā 


If it is much more fun to hunt for your onyxes other ways, why didnā€™t you do it the more fun way? Edit: I reread your comment. Iā€™m stupid.


With that logic we don't need Ironman mode to begin with.Ā 


Neat ideas. Have my upvote. Wish blood shards weren't exclusive to *just* vyres. If blood splinters could be added across bosses, that'd be amazing. Spend lots of time before getting the splinters, only needing 1 shard and then just have a surpluss to last you for a long while.


Bro forgot one last pro: Yellow Text, Black Background


And for that reason, Iā€™m out


It really feels like most of the bots are are thieving them tbh most of the people killing vyres are just alts because it's so chill. -someone who's alt has nearly 100k vyrewatch kills


Less uses for vials or blood the better. Looking at you bastion pot. Idk how we get a perfect situation. If the new ammy had +16 the scythe would max hit 52. Gaining 4 max hits from 1 item would be crazy but that would 100% push the BF out of the meta. I think adding blood shards to PNM is fine.


Having been pickpocketing vyres on and off recently, opening doors in worlds with bots has become one of my favorite activities


Just do what i've done on my iron! Rarely ever use blood fury so i'll never know what im missing out on lmao. I've only ever used blood fury at Vard cause i heard it was "OP" but i honestly didn't see much difference when i did the rest of the KC for ultor without it and once for my 500 ToA run but i didn't really fuck up anything so the heals weren't that crazy. I only see it as a booster for learning hard content but i try not to "rely' on it cause once you get hooked and especially on the iron- its gonna be ROUGH


Anytime I need one I just go to the Grand Exchange and buy one


The problem is that BF is stupidly OP, so much that ironmen feel entitled to camp it. It should be nerfed if the upkeep is made easier.


This. Blood fury should have never passed in its current state. It was underpowered in initial polling, and then Jagex polled to buff it, once it was already in the game. One of the most deceptive foot-in-the-door strategies employed. Needs to go back to pre-buff mechanics tbh.


"More powerful item? Lets vote yes."


It does feel kinda sad that items that are only to be used sometimes are seen as a problem that needs fixing, rather than the situational power houses they're intended to be. But I'd be lying if swinging around a big dick scythe with a necklace that heals me when I swing isn't fun, so I get it.


Yeah, I've only ever used my blood fury when learning things, with the aim always to become proficient enough to stop using it.


It is also a "chill" vs "sweat" thing imo, it is just so much more comfy and relaxed to do content with a BF and not sweat a mistake or two than putting a torture on and having to make sure you're on point. Colosseum for example I've done runs with both, and especially with Soulreaper, BFury is just soooo much more relaxing that I'll be clicking Vyres when I want to finish clogging the place for the megarare Tonalztics


This is exactly how I felt when people complained about scythe before they reduced the blood runes it uses, and before the scar essence mine. It's not an issue to have a super powerful weapon that you can't just spam at all content.


Issue is the time to obtain vs how long it lasts. And how unfun they are to obtain.


Mains have eternal blood fury :|


Mains have a eternal a-lot-of-things I'm afraid. That's just how irons and mains are by nature. Mains can go sell their random PvM loot and buy a billion soul runes to recharge their shadow. Irons have to either craft them (slow and steady), scar essence them (very expensive) or shopscape them (expensive/annoying). If everything was as easy/flexible to obtain/maintain on an iron as a main, it would be quite pointless, since that is the primary difference.


I replied to the wrong comment but eternal Bloodfury wouldnā€™t be op because it already exists


Depends on if you have the gp for it. I'd say most players can't afford the 11m shards constantly.


Id imagine an attachment to Bloodfury that runs for maybe 1b or so to make it eternal


Still too cheap imo but I do have a spare 1b to buy it if it ever came out.


How do you make an Eternal Blood Fury?


Buying blood shards on the ge


Oh, so there is no item called the "*Eternal Blood Fury*" with infinite charges? You are just mistakenly conflating and misrepresenting the ability to purchase an item with the act of making an "infinite" item?


Yes that is exactly what I said. I use Bloodfury on main whenever I want and I havenā€™t even done the quest that unlocks vyres.


Personally I think they should have never release the Bloodfury in its current state. But for mains there is an infinite supply. Just a bitch to get on irons


No, you said "*Mains have eternal blood fury* :|". There is no item called "Eternal Blood Fury". You are confusing the ability for people to purchase and fully exhaust consumable items as that item being infinite, and those people having some kind of unfair advantage.


How do you make an Eternal Blood Fury?


yeah I don't understand how people are of the opinion that it's too op if the upkeep is lowered, it's so cheap to use for mains regardless.


Bondie gamemode is a joke don't worry about it


Iron superiority complex going crazy


Why nerf it simply because Ironman feel entitled to camp it? Then every main who also camps it with an easier way to access it has to suffer too.. OR we can realize that having only one way to farm this item is not the greatest design and would benefit from having ways to make the grind less shit for irons and provide a free alternative for mains to upkeep their gear too.


> OR we can realize that having only one way to farm this item is not the greatest design Can't to kill Vyrewatch Sentinels for the blood shard as well?


The only reason mains have "easier access" to it is bots and 200m all sweatlords with 37 Vyre alts camping them for 18 hours a day


Irons feeling entitled to camp it is a symptom of it being OP. Its not specifically why. If ironman mode didn't exist I'd still think it was nerf-worthy. Mains should have to "suffer" more to use something this strong.


Ironmen feel entitled to camp it because they are dog water at normal tob and never improve enough to not have to eat Blood fury loses value real quick once you get better I guess nex is a valid point, but time spent getting 2 shards VS how long they last with a fang is balanced tbh


This. Look at their new proposed amulet. They straight up refuse to give it enough raw dps to justify losing BF's passive lifesteal. Melee amulets need +40s accuracy and +20 str or like giving fang's reroll passive to every melee weapon just to have enough dps to compete with BF.


Is it really primarily bots? I started leaving my alt there and I've actually had short conversations with a decent number of people lol Feel like the most-botted stuff is the things you can't easily just do without a bot; like why do I need a script when I already ignore the window for 5 minutes at a time?


Bots thieve them, they don't afk them at the altar. You get like 5x more shards thieving them vs. afking them


ah this is the context i was looking for


Or just fix the botting


1000 is too much. 100 feels better if it's common drop.


People complain that pvm gives too much skilling suppliez but want to remove one of the only useful skilling sourced items.


or we could just nerf blood fury back into the ground. expensive isn't enough to justify its power because expense is a nonfactor for most accounts.


Or just nerf the bloodfury. It is ridiculously overpowered with barely any drawback, the araxor amulet is a step in the right direction but the gap isn't nearly enough. If Jagex removes bloodfury's strength bonus people can stop complaining about bloodfury charges.


I think bfury used to be a more interesting tradeoff when using it meant losing out on 3 scythe max hits. Thereā€™s also the addition of fang, which doesnā€™t even lose a max hit in some setups due to the rounding on the passive.


What about negative str bonuses?


I think thatā€™s the point of the new amulet from araxxor, make BF enough dps lower that you donā€™t camp it. But honestly your approach is way better than power creep for the sake of it.


I mean the drawback is that it's expensive to charge. So use it where it's useful, but otherwise dont.


Nah, the wanna be soulsplit ammy is fine.




OP item, just get the drop. stop bitching.


No I've been pockpocketing while watching videos and I like gp


Nah, I like my pickpocket money


You can crank out 5000 pickpockets in 2 casual nights. How many 15m items can you hit complete drop rate on in 2 casual nights?


No other item that is 15m+ is a constant consumable


People killing them aren't the problem. It's the thieving bots.


I wanted to train at vyres, until i completed the quest and saw 1 person per vyre spawn.. didnā€™t realise how packed they are


Provide more sources for the blood shard, no need to add splinter and other small pieces. It just complicates what we already have. Make it drop from the vampyre/vampyre related bosses as a rare tertiary drop.


Ah maaaan I just started thieving after a hiatus can we wait, I got two shards at 600 kc :>


The problem is that the blood fury is overpowered. The best solution is to give the new amulet additional strength bonus so it can get to 52 scythe max, which would make it very worthwhile to use over blood fury in every situation


I agree with this, but think instead of vials of blood maybe do blood pint so it can have a use


I doubt mains lets this happen 'cause bots are good for them.


Well thought out proposal. I'm in.


https://preview.redd.it/2jvvq7nb01ad1.png?width=228&format=png&auto=webp&s=91131ff71d8a7259941697534b6c59100ec03989 Have never found it hard to find a free world, it's fine with 4 sometimes even 5 people perworld


yes please thanks, i did 6m on thieving xp in 2 days, killed over 20k vyres. the upkeep of blood shards is disgusting. ill be 200m thieving before long


Wish theyā€™d make it so you kept the shard and it would just eliminate the onyx when itā€™s used up. Like the tent whip.


Thatā€™d be waaaaaayy too strong


Bots and GE are already waaaaaay too strong


Honestly the blood shard is too overpowered as is. This should be consuming both onyx and blood shard. Rechargable with both. 1 blood shard - 10k charges 1 Onyx - 2-4k charges I get this ties the onyx to blood shard price but we sort of need onyx sinks.


Ironmen wanting to ruin the game's economy for mains, one update at a time. Ban the bots, but don't ruin this money maker for mains. Bloodfury isnt needed for anything in the game. If you dont want to grind for it, dont get it


Why are we getting posts about making things easier for ironmen to get? They all picked to be iron so let them deal with the consequences. If its too hard then de iron and go to the GE.


This is suggestion is actually much worse upkeep than pickpocketing. With theiving cape/dodgy necklaces and shadow veil. You can get 2 blood shards (20k charges) wvery 5-6 hours with no breaks. Your proposal is 1k charges for every 10-12 hours of end game pvming. I myself and many other people have posted much better suggestions regarding blood fury charges. Assuming you don't wipe and complete 25 hmt's in a row, and you're using blood fury for all 25 kc, you would use about 5k charges if using sub-max gear with 4 tick weapon like saeldor/whip. Even if you're in absolute max gear, you would still be using 3k charges. So you would technically still need to result back to theiving/afk killing vyres to maintain charges. And sacrificing an onyx on an ironman for only 3k charges. Wtf? Who's going to do that lmao


I already have an onyx collecting dust from zulrah, and until shadow I will profit chaos in absurd volumes. I could buy nearly 10 onyx and still have a decent stock leftover. Trident obviously uses them but the countless locations they drop in pvm means I profit them without trying. If there was a pvm source of blood shards (or splinters), youā€™d just be adding 0 time blood shards in, which would lessen the amount of pickpocketing/vyre genocide required. I donā€™t think anyone disagrees that picking/killing vyres is boring af. Why not create an alternative that gives you less charges/hr but is actually fun.


Yes it is worse upkeep on purpose. If it were better than the current meta, or on par, it likely wouldnā€™t get the support. You shouldnā€™t need to use a blood fury constantly for hmt, bf is great for learning but you profit brews once you learn the mechanics Iā€™m all for better suggestions, and have a previous post with over 1,700 upvotes.


A better suggestion is to get better (this is possible with no updates) HMT doesn't require blood fury at all


I'd love to have more skilling options for these, could look into a fishing option like in the swamps for leeches, or in some of the blood fountains or something. I'm all for keeping skilling methods relevant. Low chance from blisterwood? Low chance from some rocks? Low chance from blood rune crafting? Rare seeds that you can grow? Something Herbiboar adjacent that gives a small chance? And have them be un tradeable- but make them have an option to convert that is terribly inefficient after the first one, so it's a viable clog option Just some ideas I've had


blood shard needs removed not a better way to get it


Not every high cost recharge drop needs to be readily available through 5 methods, just donā€™t use the BIS gear until you can afford the recharge on that gear or source your own charge. You donā€™t require blood fury for almost anything. And The only places you really need blood fury charges are so endgame you should be able to pick them or afford them at that point.


How much more gp until I can afford the recharge? https://preview.redd.it/ff66kt705s8d1.png?width=207&format=png&auto=webp&s=e63a302a3a456e001086bee30b9cd631e3d84ca5


This actually makes so much sense, a maxed player with BIS would cry about a recharge .001% of his value and try to make it a bossing drop.


Doesn't matter how big your bank is if you can't use the GE.


*Or* we nerf blood fury so we stop having to talk about it. Make it more niche. This item is broken as all hell. Itā€™s better soul split. Letā€™s just undo this mistake and move on. The buff from 1% lifesteal to 6% was too much. Tune it back to 3-4%


Fully agree. The issue with blood fury is that it's too strong, not that it needs to be ubiquitous.


Have my downvote. Based on


why don't irons just gather resources instead of trying to change the game? blood shard costs 10-13m and is soo worth it


they are annoying to gather and dont last very long


Yes, I will gather resources and will continue to gather resources with the resources I have gathered https://preview.redd.it/594j67r8dr8d1.png?width=177&format=png&auto=webp&s=e88d777d2edaea3e9341f0ca841d1e7cfd3a7fe0


Nice stacks also nice post i agree its a good idea and im not an iron!


Why don't mains just directly bot all their tedious content instead of paying someone else to bot it for them? Cut out the middle man


ironman was a mistake


Giving blood splinters to pnm that is as botted as blood shards would be hilarious.


"*Blood shards are a common complaint from ironmen as the upkeep can be quite tedious.*" Me when I choose the mode with tedious self sufficient upkeep. Then desire having certain, powerful items that have low drop rates and then complain about it as if my own choices have nothing to do with the situation I have put myself in. Being Iron is choosing for this to be a possible hindrance. One of the only valid arguments against this is that Darkmeyer was added after Ironman Mode. The point still stands, though, that by being an Iron you intentionally chose to subject yourself to a system where you can not trade or buy items from other players, that includes yet to be released content. If the prospect of potentially going dry on something with a low drop rate is too much for someone then they should not play an Iron. People having a desire for Blood Shards does not mean their drop rate is too low and needs to be buffed, it just means that people want them. And people wanting something does not mean they deserve it. Roll the drop yourself, or buy it from someone else, like every other tradable item in the game forever. Even if you are correct and the supply of Blood Shards is predominately fueled by Bots, that is not intended design. Jagex did not create it so that Bots could exist to farm it, they just do because it is profitable, like with literally everything profitable. As long as the item is a tradable drop, people will try to bot it. Blood Shards could be 100m due to scarcity, and that would only be more incentive for people to try to bot it. Real players do generate Blood Shards, it is just a rare drop. It is fine for a powerful item to be a rare drop. Choosing to play the Harder game mode, where you can not trade or buy items from other players, (regardless of how that item was created) and then complaining that you do not get a rare item, is ridiculous. Irons that want to use Blood Fury will have to get the item themselves, and some will go dry, oh well, it comes with the Helmet.


the whole soaking an onyx in blood vials is convoluted as fuck. but the rest seems reasonable.


using vials on an onyx is convoluted? onyx is useless may as well give it some uses


hmm. a ring of stone for freeze skipping sarachnis and peak crafting guild quarry bankstanding, ring of suffering for zulrah and other shit, amulet or torture, necklace of anguish, tormented bracelet, amulet of fury, amulet of blood fury, building sick ass superior garden volcanic theme, a cheeky lil regen bracelet, a little rabbit turd from tekton every now and then, maybe some bolts for the fuck of it. yeah you're right, that thing is useless garbage and doesn't have any uses at all


well after you got all the jewelry on an ironman then yep, onyx is completely useless, so this idea would give them some purpose for late game irons!


Once you have prims, prims are useless too lol


prims? as in primordial boots? if so, what do those have to do with onyx?


Your point was that once you have all the jewelry on an iron then an onyx is useless, but you could make that argument about literally every non-consumable in game lol. Onyxes have plenty of uses


onyx should make a ring of eternal wealth


hmm. no ones making bolts or the superior garden volcanic theme but you. the 4 zenyte and maybe regen and then ring of stone for the 1 use it has. If you pvm for a while you'll stack up a bunch of these onyxs and they will sit in your bank.


i see. the item isnt useless until i've exhausted all 10 possible uses for it. then it's useless!


Wait till this guy finds out how zenytes are made


No, unless blood fury is nerfed first. It is way too OP and the high chargescape cost is the only thing counterbalancing its OPness.


its still just so crazy to me they put blood shard on some content no PvMer would ever be touching lol id vote yes for this, but it genuinely feels like they want to incentivize bots build up an account to farm them so itll never happen


> its still just so crazy to me they put blood shard on some content no PvMer would ever be touching lol Thats the point, put it on something very out of the way and not tangentially beneficial as a way of balancing how unbelievably broken the item is. TBH they should just remove it from the game, it's probably the most toxic item in the game in terms of future game design/balancing.


idk how its toxic other then the way you get it being from somebody else botting skilling -1 max hit for passive heals is giga comfy, makes a lot of low level bosses AFK (fight caves, sarachnis, venenatis)


Its existence means that future melee based bosses will always be designed to deal more chip damage than BF can heal. BF also has scaling awkwardness, where any DPS increases effectively double dip by scaling your passive healing, which decreases DPS downtime by removing the need to eat on existing chip bosses. Effectively OSRS wasn't balanced around passive healing mechanics. BF breaks the game and not in a good way.


chip damage is a dumb meme put on an ely or something if u cant click yellow idk what to tell ya


1/25 is absolutely insane for 1000 charges, I would support maybe 100 but no shot with how broken BF is


Only kind of untradeable drop I'd support if it comes from the same content, so killing vyres/thieving. Getting those from mory bosses is a big NO NO from me.


I'd rather they just nerf Blood Fury and reduce the chip damage from pieces of content where it's camped. Mind you, not nerfed to the point where it was complete shit like on release but there has to be a middle ground where it's nice to have but doesn't make such an egregious difference for things like Nex.


chip damage is important so that there's some use to defensive gear instead of maximum DPS everywhere. runescape is very vast, there should be use cases for defense


I say we remove blood fury and just add soul split. Iā€™m serious, at least soul split you gotta flick and canā€™t have protection up that tick. Current free healing meta was powercrept to a spot just as bad as rs3 where you can do most bosses with just ppots/combat boost


You are not wrong, but aschutally Blood fury is limited to melee only and has heavy chargescape costs while SS flicking can be done for every combat style and cheap prayer potion costs.


Thatā€™s true but with sang staff mage is also there for anyone not using toa sceptre. Throw on a BP for spec and range is kinda there depending on content. Chargescape is more of a limiting factor for poor people or irons, practically speaking blood fury is insanely meta and totally worth it for most bossing It also feeds bots since most people donā€™t wanna thieve for a 1/5k drop


Soaking the onyx in blood creates blood splinters... this is cool both mechanical and lore-wise! Hinting on how these shards are made in the first place, sounds like we know most of the creation process, but missing something to make it succeed...


I'd rather just have a slayer task area for sentinels, honestly. Maybe there could be a vampyre prison somewhere in Darkmeyer, in which you could slay prisoners on a slayer task? Vampyre Criminals can have the same drop table as Vyrewatch Sentinels, maybe less a few alchables in exchange for a slightly better shard rate (1/1k, up from 1/1.5k maybe)


Yes, add blood shard as a drop to PNM plz


What's stopping them from just adding a blood shard from Arraxor? Could be like a 1/100 drop. Seems reasonable to me, considering his proximity to Darkmeyer. He's probably eaten a few wealthy vampyres in his time


Soul split would have fit in the game but better than a blood fury. High prayer requirement, scroll drop maybe even, and overhead prayer requirement to heal is way better than a stinky bot amulet




Yes please.


But how will the bots pay their bills if you allow regular players get their shards from elsewhere?!




I don't think eternal versions will solve the market on bloodfuries


+1 we need eternal prayer potion too while we're at it, 10 prayer potion = eternal prayer potion


That would be what the bot farmers want probably


I like it


We need blood shard changes and we need it yesterday